Tourism Marketing

… track invites papers studying the efforts of the national or local tourist bodies and/or the businesses in the tourism, travel, transport and hospitality sectors to achieve growth and innovation in tourism by maximizing the satisfaction of tourists. The track will welcome critical studies in new marketing practices, seen from the business, destination and customer points of view. The research can look at touristic experiences from the managerial side or the consumer point of view. Articles are invited on tourism branding and marketing, as well distribution channels and strategies, pricing and revenue management, ecommerce, social media and eTourism and reputation management. Prospective studies in digital transformation trends and impacts for tourism marketing are encouraged.

If your research is about a topic that is usually considered for publication in journals in the field of tourism, this is the right track for your work even if you consider submitting your work to journals in other fields of specialization.


Dimitrios Buhalis, Bournemouth University

Luisa Andreu, Universitat de Valéncia